Saturday, December 23, 2017

The capitalist who threw a life-line to the commies

One of my favourite books of all time is Armand Hammer's autobiography.

The arch-capitalist Hammer was pretty much on a first name basis with all the stalwarts of the Bolshevik revolution; Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin...

He was getting rich selling the commies everything from pencils to tractors. Quite often he would do barter deals where the commies would trade a few old master paintings, of which they'd inherited an abundance from the Czarists, for a shipment of agricultural equipment. That's how he accumulated one of the greatest and most valuable art collections of all time.

He's the sort of historical character who occupies the space between conflicting ideologies. Kinda like the Hezbollah drug barons who sell hashish to people who sell hashish to conscripts in the IDF, or the guys who organized Christmas sing-alongs between the trenches in the WW I, or the mafia dons who stepped up to do America's dirty work in post WW II Europe.

What all of them have in common is that they fully understand that the "official narrative" is bullshit.

Those are my kind of people.

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