Saturday, December 30, 2017

Democracy Canadian style; an exemplar for the world

Doug Saunders got a lot of column inches in the Globe and Mail opinion section today, mainly because Shribman and Kendzior weren't in it. That left some blank space to fill.

Doug was happy to fill it.

Since I've been bemoaning the presence of those Yankee interlopers for some time, you'd think I'd be happy about this.

I'm not.

Dear Doug devotes his three or four pages to lobbying for more Canadian interference in the electoral process in other countries. After all, that's what we used to do when we used to be great, at least according to Doug.

Doug cites our interference in Ukraine as an example of the good things that could happen when we interfere in other countries. He posits that as an example, and then leaves us hanging.

Maybe he lost his train of thought...

OK Doug; by what metric is Ukraine better off today than it was before we, the purveyors of democracy, pushed for the demise of the democratically elected government of Ukraine?

Sorry Doug, you're just peddling bullshit again.

Dear G&M management,

Please bring back Shribman and Kendzior and stop giving that idiot Saunders all those column inches.



  1. My summation of Canadian politics goes like this:
    When Pierre Trudeau retired from politics he went back into private law practice and was immediately appointed to the Board of American Barrick Resources. When Mulroney, Trudeau's opponent, retired from politics he went back into private law practice and was immediately appointed to the Board of American Barrick Resources. No, that was not an error. Men doing it to each other is one thing, men doing it to all of us is something else. IN Canada we call it politics. I call it nasty and I don't and won't vote.

  2. What you need,Moriyah, is a candidate who speaks for you.

    Here's an aside that may interest you; connect the dots between Mulroney's principled opposition to Apartheid and his promotion of the Maple Leaf gold coin as a substitute for the racist Kruger rand.

    Suddenly the directorship at Barrick makes sense!

    If I'm not mistaken, that sinecure paid lyin' Brian the better part of a million bucks a year for a couple of decades.
