Monday, August 21, 2017

A picture of race relations in America

Meet Bridget and Fran.

Marion at her friend’s house.

Read their story at The Guardian.

When you peruse mainstream media it's easy to get the impression that race relations in America are all about white privilege and black resentment. I think there's a reason the big media platforms push that narrative; the old maxim "divide and conquer" comes to mind.

It is therefore very refreshing to read a story about a couple of working class women who don't seem aware of the "racial divide." Fran and Bridget are both active with "Stand up Kansas City," a group lobbying for a $15/hr minimum wage.

That wage workers in the world's wealthiest country are too often trapped in poverty even when working more than full-time hours should be an embarrassment to every American.

A minimum wage that affords a decent standard of living is long overdue.

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