Thursday, March 10, 2016

Uber tough-guy railroader Hunter "Hitman" Harrison meets Green Jesus

Damn near shit my pants when I saw the headline, Fossil Fuels 'probably dead' says CP Rail's Hunter Harrison.

Well bugger me britches!

Harrison is probably right of course, but this is not the kind of talk we expect from the guy we love to hate here at Falling Downs.

Here's our theory (and every shock to the cultural code needs an explanatory theory). Hunter recently had a brush with mortality. Yup, he just barely avoided a date with the Grim Reaper.

All of a sudden he steps back from the abyss, looks around, smells the roses, and decides that having a sustainable economy and a future for the planet may not be such a blasphemous idea after all.

Good on you, Mr. Hunter!

Hell, next thing you know the guy's gonna be campaigning for workers' rights...

In spite of all the nasty aspersions that have been spit-balled your way from this blog, we sincerely wish you all the best in your golden years, and may they be full of further startling insights like this one!

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