Sunday, November 9, 2014

Netanyahu to get tough on Palestinians

Here are the words of the Greatest Leader since Moses, as reported in the Guardian;

"Israel is a nation of law. Whoever violates the law will be punished severely. We will not tolerate demonstrations in the heart of our cities in which the flags of Hamas and Isis are waved, where there are calls for the redemption of Palestine with blood and fire, basically calling for the destruction of Israel,” Netanyahu said. “The time has come to operate against these movements that want to destroy us.”

If the time has just now come to operate against these movements, one is left to wonder what all the death and destruction visited upon the Palestinians before now was about? The immediate cause of the most recent rioting was the shooting death of a Palestinian by an Israeli policeman, in "self-defence" of course, until video emerged to expose yet another calculated murder.

While Israel may indeed be a "nation of law," no serious person expects such a routine killing to have any consequences for the officer who pulled the trigger. There are laws, and then there are laws...

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