Friday, June 27, 2014

EU welcomes new "nigger" state

It was all rainbows and unicorns as newly minted Ukraine PM Petro Poroshenko signed a deal for tighter ties with the EU today.

If you take a good hard look at how EU membership has fucked the ordinary people in the weaker EU member states, it's utterly mind-boggling to contemplate what lies in store for Ukraine, which is destined to be the weakest of the weak if and when it gains full EU membership.

Trading the benevolent pragmatism of Putin for the didactic paternalism of Frau Merkel doesn't seem like a very intelligent trade-off, and I suspect that the Ukrainian street will soon be out on the street to verify this assessment.

But America's many engines of democracy have not invested five billions in Ukraine for nothing. Many ordinary Ukrainians are convinced by the barrage of Western propaganda that happiness and prosperity will automatically ensue once they snub Putin and embrace the Merkel austerity enema.

Good luck to them!

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