Friday, June 6, 2014

D-day hijinx shows Putin anything but "isolated"

If anything, today's to-ing and fro-ing in France suggests that the NATO leaders are tripping over themselves trying to get face-time with Putin.

CNN tries to put a pro-NATO spin on things by making it sound like Putin is worried about avoiding another round of sanctions.

Meanwhile, Canadian media, who have been wallowing in adoration for PM Harper for being the most "hawkish" G-7 leader in his over-the-top anti-Russian proclamations, got a sharp slap when Obama abandoned the freeze-out-Putin camp by having a cozy chat with the evil Russian dictator at lunch today.

The isolated Putin also met briefly with the guy western media like to portray as his arch-nemesis,
Petro Poroshenko, president elect of Ukraine, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and dined yesterday with President Hollande of France.

I'd say the only world leader "isolated" is that most hawkish doofuss from Canada.

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