Thursday, October 24, 2013

Food porn goes bad

I was watching one of those food porn channels the other night. That's what you're left with these days, considering the terrible state of pro sports and reality TV.

Not to mention news.

TV news is kind of over, wouldn't you think? If you're any kind of a news junkie you can find the opportunity a few times during your day to click on a news site or two or three and catch up on the big stories. There's generally nothing new at six or eleven.

So instead of watching news I'm watching that Anthony Bourdain fellow, and he's got a whole godamn special on about cooking with rotten food!

Who can even imagine such a thing?

It sort of sets you back initially, but then you get to thinking about it.

I'd kinda given up all hope for ever making my money back on those twelve jars of currant jam we still have left over from that batch we cooked up three years ago.  But if I could just land a product placement on the next episode of Food Porn Follies, that stuff will be like gold once the cooking-with-rotten-stuff craze takes off.

But the more you think about it, the more you realize that cooking is all about death and decay already. With the exception of clams and lobsters, we don't generally cook live animals, do we?

So the stuff we bake, broil, roast and toast is dead and has been in decay.

Cheese is just rotten milk, isn't it?

Fermentation is just another word for decay, isn't it?

Beer is just rotting barley with water added, isn't it?

See where I'm going here?

We already have a culture that feeds on rotting biomass and dead animals.

Nothing to see here, folks... move along!

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