Tuesday, December 18, 2012

ICC batting .500 in Negro Leagues

Since its inception in 2002 the International Criminal Court has tried a grand total of two "war criminals".

They got a conviction in the Lubanga case and lost the Katanga-Chui case.

I think the problem with the ICC is they need to up their game. They need to bring it to the big leagues, go after some plump white targets in the West. The way they've gone about their prosecutions thus far the casual observer could be forgiven for concluding that all war criminals are Black Africans.

But look, right over there in Her Majesty's merry England, there's war criminal Tony Blair prancing about boasting of his intimate relationship with God and how he only pays a 2.6% tax rate. The man has the blood of tens of thousands of Iraqis on his hands. Surely he can't be that hard to track down.

And forget merry England; there's no greater concentration of well-fed rich white war criminals anywhere in the world than right inside the Washington Beltway. Their ICC sheriffs might have to slip over to Texas to pick up W, but Washington is a veritable cornucopia of war criminals. The entire PNAC cabal seems to me to merit at least as much attention from the ICC as did Lubanga and Katanga-Chui, and they have by far more blood on their hands.

So get serious, ICC, or give up and go home.

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