Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Why your kid owes 40k in student loans

Here's a timely discussion about why post-secondary education is out of reach for more and more regular folks.

Spending on university administration has grown at twice the rate of spending on research and teaching for the last twenty years. There's a reason for that.

The more administrators you have, the more administrators you need. Administrators like to liaise with other administrators. They need to do this in order to come up with mission statements and policy directives and protocols. Administrators love protocols, even though most people who are not administrators would not recognize a protocol if it peed on their shoes.

What administrators prefer not to do is spend time with grubby and often liberal teaching faculty. Why? Because in many cases those people actually have to spend time with students...


Long gone are the days when a small local university made do with a principal/president/chancellor and his immediate secretarial staff. In the modern palace of wisdom entire office buildings are dedicated to legions of administrators who never in the course of a forty year career will have to "interface" with a stinky smelly student. Not even a "Vice President of Diversity" would consider the supplications of a maligned student without going through several layers of intermediaries.

It's a much-needed discussion, especially at a time when more degree-holding graduates are working at Wal-mart than ever before.

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