Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Calgary votes for Communist Party!

The unctuous twats who write the preachy editorials for Canada's newspaper of record, wherein they castigate the democracy deficit in countries large and small outside the Nations of Virtue orbit, would do well to contemplate the following statistics.

Yesterday Canadians in three important ridings had the opportunity to exercise their vaunted democratic franchise in Federal byelections. In Victoria, 56% of eligible voters stayed home.

In Durham Region, nearby Toronto, 64% of eligible voters stayed home.

And in Calgary, arguably the most important of the byelections, a whopping 71% of eligible voters stayed home.

That speaks volumes about what Canadians really think about their "democracy."

Which brings to mind a tactic used by some of the fringe Marxist parties back in the sixties and seventies. Not having enough candidates to field meaningful campaigns, they would make the main plank in their platforms a call to boycott the vote.

Then, after the election, they would claim that the 30 or 40% of the electorate who stayed home did so as a silent vote for the Marxist parties!

Imagine the glorious victories they could be claiming today!

71% of eligible Calgary voters support Marxist-Leninist Party!

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