Wednesday, September 19, 2012

When is a NGO not a NGO?

The Putin haters are up in arms these days over the Russian President's decision to ban USAID from the country.

The BBC had a spokesman from Freedom House on to bemoan the impact that this move would have on US based non-governmental organizations such as his. Freedom House is an NGO that is ever-so-busy promoting democracy and human rights in Russia.

As you would expect, not a word of this bemoaning was challenged by the BBC presenter.

The problem with this scenario is that Freedom House was hatched by FDR in the early 1940's to act as a propaganda tool to sway American public opinion towards involvement in WWII. It has continued to be a propaganda tool for the US government ever since, and gets virtually all its funding directly or indirectly from the US taxpayer.

How can it present itself as a NGO?

One need not wonder how America would react if the government of China or Russia were financing front groups, or NGOs if you will, that explicitly endorse certain political parties and politicians in US elections. Such a situation would not be tolerated. The "NGO"s would be sent packing, if not sent to prison for a few years first.

Once again the Putin haters have been vindicated. The man conducts himself as though his nation is a sovereign state.

Such effrontery will not be tolerated!

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