Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Every Messiah will have his Judas

I suppose that's one way of looking at it.

Netanyahu is in a bit of a funk over in the Holy Land because one of the members of his Security Cabinet supposedly spewed some top secret stuff after the previous meeting.

It didn't take the Israeli press long to point out that Bibi himself is quick to blab about what goes on behind closed doors when it suits his purposes. The case of the attack on the Syrian reactor a few years back was readily pointed out.

The think tank here at Falling Downs has a couple of takes on the matter. In the first place, there is no legitimate reason to hide the deliberations of the Security Cabinet. This is in fact a small cabal of insiders and for the most part Netanyahu "yes-men" conniving to take a nation of seven million souls into a disastrous war.

Anyone who spills the beans of such goings on is a great patriot. The people have a right to know what is being decided on their behalf. The Netanyahu clique is the greatest existential danger to Israel in existence.

Secondly, one can only be astounded at the vitality of the Israeli press as a whole. Yes, you've got your war-mongering factions and your liberals and this and that, but overall you have a diversity of opinion expressed in the news media that is utterly foreign to North American news consumers.

In his typically dim-witted and heavy-handed way Netanyahu has come up with a solution. Lie detector tests for the Security Cabinet!

Then again, if that Jew from Nazareth had demanded lie detector tests of  his disciples two thousand years ago, he might have nipped in the bud that cult we now know as Christianity.

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