Tuesday, September 11, 2012

As US throws Israel under the bus, Netanyahu grateful for Canadian support

You have to love the rhetoric. Romney dropped the "under the bus" reference into his convention speech right between motherhood and apple pie.

But those crafty Canadians... they know to suck up when the sucking's good. Long angling to be universally recognized as Israel's very best friends in the whole world, the Harper gang seized the moment last Friday and announced the closure of Canada's embassy in Tehran.

Netanyahu lost no time in commending the Harper-Baird-MacKay triumvirate on their courage and leadership, which must have made the three stooges feel at least a foot taller.


Prime Minister Harper. The born-again Christian who sees Biblical prophecy playing itself out in the Holy Land.

Foreign Minister John Baird, who goes globe-trotting with his "personal rabbi" in tow.

And Defense Minister MacKay, who is married to the daughter of an Iranian expatriate.

What they don't seem to appreciate is that the vast majority of Israelis are deathly afraid that Netanyahu will unleash something that saner heads would rather not see unleashed. Netanyahu is a man determined to cement his place in the history books for the next thousand years.

That's not the sort of megalomaniac who needs encouragement.

So in the event that the cooler heads do not prevail, there is a good chance that Obama will let the Israelis go  it alone.

With the help of the Canadians of course.

Let me see... we could have the Princess Pollyanna regiment on the ground by, say, 2014. At least if we can lease some transport planes from Kazakhstan

And we do have some submarines. I think.

In drydock.

So don't worry Bibi.

We've got your back!

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