Sunday, April 22, 2012

Storm clouds over Europe

Round one of the French presidential election went today and the only real surprise is the unexpectedly robust showing of Marine Le Pen, the far right candidate.

In Europe the term "far right" is generally interchangeable with the term "neo-fascist".

So while there are no storm troopers in the streets just yet, give it time.

The Wall Street Journal brushes off Le Pen's showing by claiming "this is a turn democracies often take when politicians have no answers for high unemployment, rising debt, and economic decline."

So it's nothing to worry about then. It's just a turn democracies often take...

You know, like in Italy in the 20's.

Or Germany in the 30's.

Certainly nothing to worry about.

The WSJ makes it clear what they worry about. Those damned socialists! Hollande beat Sarkozy and will need the support of the Left Front to triumph in the second round on May 6. That means full steam ahead for the socialist "fantasy" program of a living minimum wage and a 75% marginal tax rate on the highest income earners.

That would amount to "jumping off the socialist cliff" according to the Wall Street Journal.

They'll take the fascists any day.

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