Sunday, April 8, 2012

Ozzie Guillen pulls back curtain on MLB; "I get drunk after every game!"

Hell, that's nothing; where I used to play hockey we got hammered before  every game! And it's not that long ago that big-league baseball players sat in the dugout and knocked back the brewskies during their games!

That was then, of course, and this is now. The new puritan age. That's one of the qualities that make Guillen so endearing. Tells it like he thinks it is instead of how the thought police might like to hear it.

A few years ago he got himself into hot water by referring to an overly critical reporter as a fag. Guillen did the right thing; apologized to the gay  community but not the reporter.

He is also well known for his views that illegal immigrants do most of the real work in America. Americans love lazy-ass jobs that involve sitting in front of computer screens doing strategic analyses of their companies' mission statements. Latinos who waded across the Rio Grande fix the cars, pour the concrete, plow the fields and pick the crops.

He may have a point.

Last week Ozzie was on a roll. First he tells a reporter how he loves to get drunk after every game, win or lose. You can admire the man's candor, but he really should slow down with the talk to give his brain a chance to catch up sometimes.

And he wasn't done yet. Couple of days later he's in trouble for professing his admiration of Fidel Castro. Watch out, Oz, you're in friggin' Florida now buddy! Home state of two million Cubans who hated Castro so much they floated across eighty miles of shark-infested ocean on inner tubes.

And you love Castro? Not a smart career move, my friend!

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