Friday, April 27, 2012

Canada still basking in glow of Libya victory

Canada was one of the most hawkish outside nations involved in the Libyan conflict, conducting a disproportionately large percentage of the air strike missions and providing important diplomatic and humanitarian support to the rebels.

That's from today's National Post. 

That first line is more or less true. Canada was indeed one of the most belligerent anti-Gadaffi countries, even though major Canadian construction and oil companies had major projects ongoing in Gadaffi's Libya with the full blessing of the Canadian government.

After that it gets a bit dodgy. Canada didn't really conduct a "disproportionately large percentage" of the air strikes when compared to other NATO small fry.

Nor was there anything remotely important about Canada's diplomatic and humanitarian support for the so-called rebels.

However, the Harper gang is keen to be seen as "punching above its weight" and all that neanderthal stuff, so glorying in this supposed glorious victory in Libya is a story that the right wing of Canadian media need to trumpet.

The Post article does indeed raise some questions about Foreign Minister Baird's unseemly enthusiasm for that war. But there's no discussion whatsoever about how much better the Libyan people are doing now that they're rid of Gadaffi.

Probably because they'll need another twenty or thirty years to recoup what they lost when NATO brought them their "freedom".

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