Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Putin saves Alaska

I really wish the big boys in the news business would give more attention to a story like this.

But no. Instead, you'll see "Putin destroys Russia." "Putin destroys democracy in Russia." "Putin the destroyer wrecks democracy in Russia." and so on. It's everywhere. Just a couple weeks ago the New York Times had no less than three feature articles in the Sunday edition about all the bad stuff Putin does.

So here's a little story about international cooperation at a moment of need. Seems the town of Nome Alaska didn't get it's usual pre-winter fuel delivery this year because of bad weather. I know! Shocker or what!? There's bad autumn storms in the north Pacific in November? Since when?

The Obama regime realizes that nobody in the lower 48 gives a shit about Alaska, especially after the Palin experience. But if the 3,500 souls who call Nome home freeze to death this winter, it's gonna make for some bad PR.

Now they have a problem. The most powerful empire that history has ever seen cannot scare up the resources to deliver fuel to Nome. We have what, twelve carrier battle groups? And every one of them and their hundreds of support ships are busy fighting the war on terror,  the war on drugs, the war on drug-smuggling terrorists, and the war on terrorists who smuggle drugs just for fun because that's what terrorists do in their spare time till they get the call from Jihad Central about their martyrdom mission.

Oh, and patrolling the Strait of Hormuz in case the towellers get too uppity.

So America is forced of necessity to turn to the evil Putin to lease a Russian ship to deliver oil to Alaska.

Delivering a load of oil to the west coast of Alaska has never before been attempted in the dead of winter. But those Russians, along with a US Coast Guard icebreaker, just did the impossible. They saved the town of Nome. It's a beautiful story of international cooperation. Should become a movie of the week if not a full length feature.

But it won't. That might make the Russians look human.

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