Thursday, January 19, 2012

Achieving Peace on Earth one embargo-defying deal at a time

There’s a fascinating story on the Haaretz site this morning about Israeli businesses trading with various enemies of the state, including those ultimate purveyors of Mohamedan mayhem, the Iranians.

Forget the road map.

Forget the quartet.

And by all means, please forget God’s envoy for peace in the Middle East, Tony Blair.

Instead, put your hopes for humanity on people like Nachum Shiloh, who, recognizing that “not every Iranian wakes up in the morning thinking of ways to destroy Israel,” makes the observation that there’s a huge business community in Iran that just wants to do business with Israel.

At the same time, Professor Uri Bialer at Hebrew University skates uncomfortably close to an anti-semitic stereo-type when he notes that “there have always been Israelis with an eye for making money."

So, while the politicians on all sides are scrambling for headlines and photo-ops, the capitalists on all sides are busy doing business.

That always implies making connections. Getting to know the folks on the other side of the table. Maybe even sharing a glass of wine and a turn at the pipe.

Carry on, businessmen of the world; the future of humanity is in your hands.

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