Friday, December 23, 2011

Second thoughts on the New World Order

The New World Order has become a genre. The blogosphere is full of the stuff. It's right next to the conspiracy sites. In fact, if you were to draw a Venn diagram, you'd see pretty much a total overlap. The New World Order is a conspiracy theory.

And that's all it is. The New World Order is pretty much the same old world order we've seen before. Where is the "new" in the New World Order?

Most of this stuff is retrograde recycled phoney baloney that impresses 17 year olds who have never read a book. Rich people make the rules? Well, there's a shocker for ya.

Of course, owing to the precipitious decline in American educational standards, it's not a far carry from that one to "Rothschilds cause earthquakes" and then we're pretty much back to the Protocols of Zion.

Make no mistake. The New World Order is the same old same old. Money-grubbing cunts, Presbytarian and Baptist and Episcopalian and Jewish.

There's nothing new about the New World Order.

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