Monday, November 21, 2011

Democracy down and out in the only democracy in the Middle East

Editor-in-chief Aluf Ben of Haaretz convened an emergency meeting of Israeli writers and broadcasters today. Operation Black Flag should be a warning to  friends of freedom everywhere who are complacent about what can happen when a one-time democracy democratically chooses to become a fascist theocracy, and that is the road our friends in Israel are on.

In case you don't follow events in Israel on a regular basis, what is happening is that the settler contingent, the ultra-religious nutters who aren't just blowing smoke when they tell you they are "God's chosen people", are gradually taking over the institutions of the state.

In the not too distant past Israel was a model democracy, at least for her Jewish citizens. Proportional representation is far more democratic in theory than the two party system in America. But over the years, as one coalition government after another clung to power by appeasing right-wing fringe parties, the face of the democracy has changed.

Operation Black Flag should be a wake up call to the diaspora and to the so-called Christian Zionists who blindly support the state of Israel. When such a broad spectrum of professional journalists are alarmed at the direction their country is taking maybe we need to pay attention.

Because if we don't, Iran won't be the only fascist theocracy in the Middle East for much longer.

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