Thursday, November 24, 2011

Capitalism without bankruptcy is like Christianity without hell

Geez... wish I'd thought of that. Heard it on the RT channel.

I didn't even know we got the RT channel here at Falling Downs. Hidden way up there amidst the pay-per-view porn.

Sure enough, RT TV, the television arm of what used to be the commie propaganda empire. Russia. They're not commies anymore, and their propaganda is a nice antidote to the propaganda we generally get from the mainstream news.

I think what they were getting at with that quote is that we'd all be better off if we'd let the too-big-to-fail shitbags go down the toilet when they were going down the toilet. A toilet of their own making, I might add.

But no. Too-big-to-fail fever gripped the land. We had to save the big insurance companies because if we didn't the big investment banks they were insuring would fail and thousands of Wall Street MBA types would be fighting the illegal immigrants for lawn-care contracts all over Long Island and Connecticut.

Too late now. Not only are they too big to fail, they're too big to bail us out after we bailed them out.

We should have flushed that toilet while we had the chance.

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